Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Zrii and the Health Juice Industry

Zrii is posed to become the leading choice for health juice drinkers and even the leading choice of drink for those who may have never thought of health juices in this way. Zrii is delicious, and is said to liven up the tongue upon the first sip. Its main ingredient amalaki is an excellent rejuvenator that has been used in ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years for its numerous health benefits.

The makers of Zrii hope to transform the face of the fruit juice industry and specifically the health juice industry with this great drink. People in India attest to the use of amalaki for diabetes, heart conditions, liver disorders, increasing red blood cell count, strengthening new tissues and even providing great skin and lustrous hair. Zrii has the potential of taking the health juice industry by storm and you can be a part of the phenomenon either as a drinker of Zrii or a seller of the product brought to us by Bill Farley.

For more information go to or

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