Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Zrii...an Amazing Opportunity

We all wish we could have been a part of Microsoft or Ebay or even Google as ground floor opportunities. The unfortunate thing is that many revolutionary business ideas or products are only available to a select few when they are start-ups. Bill Farley is opening Zrii and the amalaki fruit up to all so everyone can have a chance of joining before it becomes too big. Imagine if you had the chance to sell apples when they were first discovered to be the great fruit that they are now known to be? Well, the benefits of eating an apple pale in comparison to eating an amalaki fruit. Zrii juice has the potential of becoming the fruit drink of choice worldwide. This is a wonderful ground floor opportunity that is well worth looking into especially for anyone who has any interest in a multi-level marketing business. Another important thing to note is that multi-level marketing means that you will be receiving commissions from the sales of anyone you recruit to sell Zrii and anyone they recruit to sell Zrii and so on. The potential is amazing.

For More information please visit www.marcuselford.com

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ground Floor with Bill Farley

Bill Farley is an entrepreneur who was the President and CEO of Fruit of the Loom. He owns the parent company Farley Enterprises, a billion dollar company. Bill Farley became part owner of the Chicago White Sox in 1976 and he has had numerous business successes. Bill Farley has always been interested in nutritional products and now he is introducing the world to Zrii, a new juice product. This product is endorsed by the Chopra Center for Wellbeing which was founded by Deepak Chopra, M.D. and David Simon, M.D. Each bottle of Zrii is stamped with the endorsement of the Chopra Center. Bill Farley is bringing this new juice product to the world through multi-level marketing and it is currently a ground floor opportunity.

A ground floor opportunity is a business that is new and within its infancy stages. You will be joining either during the pre-launch phase or in the early stages of its beginning. It is known as a ground floor opportunity because you are in a sense signing on at the bottom of its growth cycle and will be growing with it through all the exciting stages to come. Zrii is an especially amazing ground floor opportunity because the product contains amalaki which is a miracle fruit that has been used since ancient times for its many health benefits. It is a natural remedy known to treat and prevent a host of ailments and diseases. By getting into this ground floor opportunity of selling Zrii now, you will be positioning yourself to reap the rewards that will come when everyone else hears about it and wants to join. Also, many who taste Zrii juice and feel its healing powers will be interested in joining this multi-level marketing company because they will feel confident in standing behind this product.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Zrii Story

Bill Farley, the founder of Zrii met with the Chopra Center for Wellbeing's founders in September 2006 and found out about Amalaki berry from them. This fruit is one of the most used ingredients in ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda started in the ancient traditions of India over 5000 years ago and is now one of the leading forms of alternative medicine in the West. Ayurveda means “the science of life” and its basic principles state that nothing in the universe exists in isolation. Everything is connected and has an immense effect on your health. What you eat, who you interact with or where you work all affect you because all things are essentially made up of the same elements-air, fire, water, space and earth. Ayurveda believes that wellness and health is not just a result of the absence of disease in the body. It is also a result of a balance in mind body and spirit. The Chopra Center is a proponent of this balancing act along with the right mix of Western medicine and this is why they endorse Zrii juice. The amalaki fruit in Zrii acts to restore this balance in many ways and leads to good health.

Zrii is supported by the Chopra Center for Wellbeing also because it is formulated by a team of world class Western physicians, top Ayurvedic physicians and scholars and world renowned chemists and nutritionists. After months of testing and formulating the team has come up with a perfect combination. The end result is a highly complementary blend of amalaki and six other ingredients Turmeric, Tulsi, Schizandra, Jujube, Haritaki and Ginger. These ingredients have been found to unlock all the healing properties of Amalaki and support it in a way that covers a broader spectrum of conditions. The amalaki is grown in a completely organic manner and in soil with high nutrient concentrations at the foot of the Himalayas. It is grown without the use of pesticides or any other chemicals, hand picked and processed by cold pressing to ensure that the whole fruit is utilized.

For more information go to www.marcuselford.com or

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ayurveda Reveiled

According to tradition, Brahma the Indian creator God, awoke to recreate the universe and received this knowledge of ayurveda through a divine revelation. He passed the knowledge on to Daksha Prajapati as a song and this was further passed down a chain of deities before finally reaching the first human, Bharadvaja. He taught ayurveda to a group of sages who in turn taught different aspects of this to their students. Early texts of ayurveda include Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita and Sushrut Samhita compiled around 1000 BCE. Sushrut Samhita has teachings and surgical techniques ranging in topics like obstetrics, orthopaedics and opthalmology. These texts are rooted in the philosophy of the Vedas which are now said to be the oldest sacred texts still used anywhere. Vedic texts are said to have all been “revealed” in that they were not composed by human beings. Scripts revealing ayurvedic knowledge were initially written on perishable materials and then later written on stone and copper sheets.

Although many in Hinduism adopted western medicine during the times of European rule, ayurveda was always considered the science of life. It reemerged in the 70s and hospitals, doctors, practitioners and ayurvedic herbal remedies are now widely available throughout India. The science of ayurveda is now being introduced through one of its most powerful fruits, amalaki found in Zrii juice. Amalaki is perhaps the most important plant to introduce to the world in the form of Zrii juice because it is helpful in combating conditions that span the eight branches of ayurveda. The eight branches of ayurveda are 1)internal medicine, 2) surgery, 3) ears, eyes, nose and throat, 4) pediatrics, 5) toxicology 6) purification of the genetic organs 7) health and longevity 8) spiritual healing and psychiatry. The science of life is applied in all these forms to improve and treat all aspects of the whole being.

Marcus Elford

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Zrii and the Health Juice Industry

Zrii is posed to become the leading choice for health juice drinkers and even the leading choice of drink for those who may have never thought of health juices in this way. Zrii is delicious, and is said to liven up the tongue upon the first sip. Its main ingredient amalaki is an excellent rejuvenator that has been used in ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years for its numerous health benefits.

The makers of Zrii hope to transform the face of the fruit juice industry and specifically the health juice industry with this great drink. People in India attest to the use of amalaki for diabetes, heart conditions, liver disorders, increasing red blood cell count, strengthening new tissues and even providing great skin and lustrous hair. Zrii has the potential of taking the health juice industry by storm and you can be a part of the phenomenon either as a drinker of Zrii or a seller of the product brought to us by Bill Farley.

For more information go to www.MarcusElford.com or

Friday, November 2, 2007

Tulsi is another one of Zrii's powerful ingredients. It is an aromatic plant native to India and is also known as Tulasi. This means “the incomparable one” in Sanskrit and quite rightly so. It has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine due to its numerous healing properties. These include everything from colds to headaches to heart disease. Schizandra, another ingredient in Zrii juice is also known as Chinese mock-braberry or lemonwood. It is a sweeping wood vine native to China and Japan and its fruit is described to have a sweet, salty, bitter, hot, sour, taste! Rich in phytochemicals, minerals, vitamins and essential oils, schizandra has been used for a very long time in oriental medicine. It has been useful in treating insomnia, vision and skin problems among many other things.

Also found in Zrii is Jujube. This red Chinese date is grown in part of Asia and was also introduced for cultivation in parts of southeastern Europe. The fruit of the tree is often eaten as a dried snack but known for relieving stress in Chinese and Korean medicine. Haritaki also found in Zrii has extraordinary healing powers. Used mainly in India and in Ayurvedic medicine, it has colon-cleansing powers and has even been found in studies to inhibit the HIV virus.

Ginger is the final ingredient in Zrii. Commonly used as a spice in cooking, ginger was first grown in China and has since spread to India, Southeast Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. It’s most well known medicinal property is its ability to aid in treating nausea. In other parts of the world it is useful in curing the common cold, headaches and fatigue.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What's in Zrii Juice

Zrii is a powerful combination of Amalaki, Turmeric, Tulsi, Schizandra, Jujube, Haritaki and Ginger. Why these ingredients? They are wonderfully complementary to one another and they have excellent healing properties.

Amalaki is the main ingredient in Zrii. It is also known as Indian Gooseberry or Amla. The biological name of this plant is Embilica officinalis. This is a herb whose fruit is the most useful part. The fruit is light green in color and mainly grown in most parts of India. Amalaki is used in Ayurvedic medicine to fight many diseases. The fruit is packed with anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals and starting from head to toe of the human body, its medicinal benefits are numerous. Amalaki is highly useful for many conditions to include everything from anti-aging to helping with digestive problems, skin and gum-related problems.

Turmeric is another powerful ingredient in Zrii juice. It comes from the ginger family and is mainly grown in the tropics of South Asia. Turmeric is most well known for its uses in Asian cooking especially in Indian curry powders. It has found its way into mainstream commercial use in ice-cream! So why is Turmeric one of the ingredients in Zrii? It has a number of medicinal uses in Ayurvedic medicine especially as an antiseptic and antibacterial. Also popular for treating depression, it is currently being researched for its potential against Alzheimer’s, cancer, and liver disorders.

For more information please go to www.marcuselford.com

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Health Benefits of The Chopra Center Endorsed Zrii

Amalaki fruit has numerous health benefits and in Indian tradition is known as the “nurse.” It is now brought to us in Zrii™ juice a product of a network marketing company headed by Bill Farley and endorsed by the Chopra Center for Wellbeing™. Why is this new product so important and how does it have the potential to change the health juice industry? The amalaki fruit found in Zrii juice is especially rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants. These are the chemicals naturally found in fruits, vegetables and herbs that make them such essential components of our diets. The antioxidant Vitamin C is found in large concentrations in amalaki. One amalaki fruit which is only an inch in diameter is said to have the Vitamin C equivalent of two oranges. Should we be drinking orange juice or Zrii juice? What is the potential of this network marketing company if people are introduced to the benefits of its main ingredient the amalaki fruit? The amalaki berry is currently being studied to see its effects on liver problems, eyesight conditions, the increasing of red blood cell count and the boosting of the digestive system.

The liver is the second largest organ in the body after the skin. It makes substances such as hormones and releases them into the blood stream. It also makes bile which is important in digesting the food we eat. Liver problems are caused by the build up of toxins in the liver due to regular intake of alcohol, painkillers, antibiotics and other medications. Hepatitis is also a liver condition. Amalaki strengthens the liver and aids in the removal of toxins. This fruit found in Zrii juice detoxifies the body by purifying the blood.

For more information go to http://www.marcuselford.com/
or http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marcus_Elford

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Synthetic Vitamin C vs Amalaki Berry

Synthetic Vitamin C as found in many vitamin supplements is poorly absorbed by the body. This is because it has been isolated and is not present in its complete form as it was meant to be taken. It is acid forming and puts a strain on the body’s systems such as the liver and kidneys. These organs have quite a hard time processing synthetic vitamin C and excreting it. The key is to have all the naturally occurring elements present to allow the synergistic and balancing effects to occur. In other words, the nutrients in “whole food” products are always better than those same nutrients existing in isolation. If you want to get the most health benefits from something, ingest it wholly; don’t just pick and choose what you want out of it. Some Vitamin C supplements or products are tagged with rose hips or acerola and give the impression that they are natural. In fact many of these also contain a large amount of synthetic or isolated vitamin C.

Zrii juice contains amalaki exactly as it was meant to be eaten and therefore vitamin C in its most natural form. It is grown in the nutrient dense soil under the Himalayas in some of the cleanest air and freshest water available. The fruit is harvested in the wild crafting method and that means it is grown among other trees species exactly as would happen in nature. It is not grown by mono-cropping which is a method of cultivating trees or plants by growing lots of that particular tree and only that particular tree on acres of land. No chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides are used. The fruit is handpicked exactly as they did in ancient times and then cold-pressed to use the whole plant.

For more information go to www.marcuselford.com

Monday, October 1, 2007

Zrii and the Health juice industry

The health juice industry is a billion dollar industry that has advanced from the back of small health foods stores selling carrot juice, tomato juice and wheat germ. When most people think of a health juice drink they immediately conjure images of something green and thick that may have a strange smell and is sure to taste peculiar. This image continues to be in the minds of many who still resort to drinking sodas or non-100% juice drinks that claim to be fruit juice. Most of these are laden with high amount of sugar and do almost nothing for the drinker other than quench their thirst. In fact some of these drinks seem to make you thirstier after you drink them! What is currently agreed upon by most health practitioners who have your best interests at heart is to advice you to drink water at all times and lots of it. But if you are like most people you would like to enjoy something with the resemblance of some sort of taste if not to please your taste buds, then at least for the color! Therefore your best resort is to find a health juice that is 100% juice and tastes and looks great. Take it one step further and find a health juice that promises to help you achieve total health and wellness. Zrii is just that health juice.


Zrii is a registered trademark of Zrii LLC
The Chopra Center is a registered trademark of The Chopra Center for Wellbeing

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Interested in joining the Zrii wave?

Zrii is a new multi-level marketing company that opened its doors in July and will be pre-launched October 01, 2007. It has received overwhelming interest and attention from people who are eager to try this new health juice drink that is said to awaken the tongue with one sip. There are also a large number of people who are eager for Zrii to be launched because they will be a part of this ground floor opportunity on the first day it is brought to the market. If you have heard about Zrii and the powers of its main active ingredient, the amalaki fruit and you are interested in starting a multi-level marketing business, you are no doubt looking for information on how to join in on this phenomenon.
The company has chosen to operate only with its top executives, administrative and production crews who work to bring amalaki to the world. It has no other employees and will not be doing any broad marketing. This is because Zrii is being marketed through network marketing and we are currently looking for Independent Executives to join our sales team. When you join Zrii you will have the flexibility of managing your own time and the direction you wish to take your business. You can start this business part-time while keeping your regular job and do all your direct sales on weekends. Or you may believe in this as much as I do and feel so confident in your sales abilities that you decide to do this full-time. The good news is that the choice is all yours.
For more information visit www.marcuselford.com

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Zrii - The Nutritional Benefits

Amalaki, the main ingredient found in Zrii juice is a berry sometimes called Indian Gooseberry. To understand the reason why Amalaki is such a powerful ingredient we need to look at the nutritional benefits of the berry family as we know it. Berries tend to be small, juicy and brilliantly colored. The most well-known berries include strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries and raspberries. In the west, berries are now classified along with others such as whole grains and broccoli as “super foods” a term which became popular in 2004. Berries are further known as “super fruits” in that if you are going to pick a certain class of fruit to add to your diet for the most health benefits, that would be hands down the way to go. So why are berries known as super fruits? They are rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants. These are found in all fruits however the phytochemical and antioxidant content in fruits like oranges and apples pale in comparison to that found in berries.

Phytochemicals are only found in fruits and plants. These include carotenes, flavanoids, and xanthophylls. Also known as phytonutrients, there is evidence of their use in medicine as early as 400BC. Aspirin, now synthetically produced was originally extracted as a phytochemical from the White Willow Tree. Originally extracted from the Pacific Yew Tree we now have been able to produce Taxol, the primary drug for cancer all over the world. Any fruit or plant such as berries and specifically Amalaki that is particularly rich in phytochemicals is definitely worth looking at.

For more information please visit my website.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Zrii and the Chopra Center for Wellbeing

The Chopra Center for Wellbeing was started in 1996 by Deepak Chopra, M.D and David Simon, M.D. The goal of the center is to promote a holistic approach to health and introduce an alternative method to wellness by combining the best of western medicine with the best of other medical traditions from around the world. The Chopra Center offers a wide variety of programs, workshops and courses and brings a fresh approach to the mind body spirit connection. Now the Chopra Center for Wellbeing has endorsed a third party product for the first time ever. The product and the company producing it are both known as Zrii. Zrii juice is mainly made up of the amalaki fruit known and used for thousands of years in ayurveda. It cannot be easily eaten raw because it is a bitter fruit but now it is brought to us in a great-tasting health juice.

Amalaki has the highest known natural content of Vitamin C. It also contains many phytonutrients and other antioxidants which support the systems of the body. Bill Farley the founder of Zrii met with the Chopra Center for Wellbeing in September 2006 and found out about Amalaki from them. This fruit is one of the most used ingredients in ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda started in the ancient traditions of India over 5000 years ago and is now one of the leading forms of alternative medicine in the West.


Friday, September 21, 2007

Bill Farley's Zrii

Amalaki is the main ingredient in Zrii juice produced by a new network marketing company. This multi-level marketing company is lead by Bill Farley the successful previous President and CEO of Fruit of the Loom. Bill Farley also became part owner of the Chicago White Sox in 1976. Along with Bill Farley Zrii juice is endorsed by the Chopra Center for Wellbeing co-founded by Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon. This is the first third party product ever to be endorsed by the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. So why are all these big names involved in or endorsing Zrii juice? The answer is simple. Zrii juice is a health drink that contains amalaki or Indian gooseberry. It also contains Turmeric, Tulsi, Schizandra, Jujube, Haritaki and Ginger to create a wonderfully complementary blend of vitamins and minerals. While the other 6 ingredients are known for their health benefits, the health benefits of Amalaki are especially important in Zrii juice because the juice is mainly composed of this fruit. Amalaki has a bitter taste and is therefore difficult to eat raw. That is why Zrii juice was created so we can still benefit from this fruit.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

So why is Zrii expected to do so well?

The answer is to be found in one word- amalaki. Amalaki is the main ingredient in Zrii juice produced by this new network marketing company lead by Bill Farley. Amalaki is also known as Amla or Indian Gooseberry. Its biological name is Embilica officinalis. It is a fruit that comes from a small to medium sized deciduous tree of the same name. This seasonal fruit that ripens in the fall is round and light green to almost yellow. It has an endless list of nutritional benefits. The chemical components of Amalaki in Zrii juice include gibberellins, lupeol, flavonoids and polyphenols. Phyllantine, zeatin, alkaloids and several benzenoids are also present. Most importantly, amalaki contains a significant amount of Vitamin C. There is no better natural or more concentrated source of Vitamin C known to be in existence.

Amalaki is quite rightly known as the “nurse” or “mother” in India because it is helpful in treating a host of ailments. According to the Charaka Samhita one of the oldest and most sacred texts in ayurveda, the amalaki fruit and the goddess of wealth and good fortune are intertwined. The sacred text is even said to state that depending on how many amalaki fruit a person eats during their lifetime he or she will live for thousands of years and will even regain youth.

For more information visit http://www.marcuselford.com/

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Zrii Review

Zrii is a Sanskrit word that means luster, beauty, good fortune, prosperity, wellness and splendor. The juice Zrii embodies all that the word means. For generations the main ingredient of this drink- the amalaki fruit, has been known to bring excellent health to its drinkers young and old. Zrii is now brought to us by Bill Farley and endorsed by the Chopra Center for Wellbeing.

The product is prelaunching October 1, 2007 and is expected to take the $70 billion health industry by storm. There is an enormous buzz going on about it. Many already in the network marketing (NWM) or multi-level marketing (MLM) industry with other products are even considering jumping ship to join Zrii. The company first came into existance in July and the interest in it has been incredible. The team decided to market it using network marketing so that costs can remain at a minimum and they can focus on producing the highest quality product.

Network marketing (NWM) or multi-level marketing (MLM) is a great approach to market Zrii because it allows Independent Executives who sign on for this all the benefits of running their own operations and being a part of this without being employees. This form of marketing involves a direct sales approach to selling the product. At the same time salespeople may also recruit other salespeople to sell Zrii. The best part about multi-level marketing is that you receive a commission every time one of your recruits makes a purchase and every time one of their subsequent recruits makes a purchase and it goes on and on. The potential for residual income from this ground floor opportunity is huge.

For more information visit http://www.marcuselford.com/ or send me an email at rewire@shaw.ca