Friday, November 2, 2007

Tulsi is another one of Zrii's powerful ingredients. It is an aromatic plant native to India and is also known as Tulasi. This means “the incomparable one” in Sanskrit and quite rightly so. It has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine due to its numerous healing properties. These include everything from colds to headaches to heart disease. Schizandra, another ingredient in Zrii juice is also known as Chinese mock-braberry or lemonwood. It is a sweeping wood vine native to China and Japan and its fruit is described to have a sweet, salty, bitter, hot, sour, taste! Rich in phytochemicals, minerals, vitamins and essential oils, schizandra has been used for a very long time in oriental medicine. It has been useful in treating insomnia, vision and skin problems among many other things.

Also found in Zrii is Jujube. This red Chinese date is grown in part of Asia and was also introduced for cultivation in parts of southeastern Europe. The fruit of the tree is often eaten as a dried snack but known for relieving stress in Chinese and Korean medicine. Haritaki also found in Zrii has extraordinary healing powers. Used mainly in India and in Ayurvedic medicine, it has colon-cleansing powers and has even been found in studies to inhibit the HIV virus.

Ginger is the final ingredient in Zrii. Commonly used as a spice in cooking, ginger was first grown in China and has since spread to India, Southeast Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. It’s most well known medicinal property is its ability to aid in treating nausea. In other parts of the world it is useful in curing the common cold, headaches and fatigue.

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